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         Media Placements, Crisis Management, Image,

     Media Training, Full PR Services, Video & Websites 

For corporations, smaller companies, the legal community, medical, business and other independents, why is someone else making headlines, or used as an expert source and not you?  Have you had true media training from a true professional and not someone who happens to have some peripheral experience and works for a PR firm?

Have you had Zoom/Web Internet interview training? Including backgrounds, lighting, Zoom techniques? 

Your expertise as a public figure expert can be in  the media, print, broadcast, narrowcast, specialty media, social media, and community events, all arranged for you, and written for you as well.

Do you have custom, professional imaging and interviews available, live, on tape, or available for media sampling on your website? Are you prepared for a public relations or media crisis?

Does the media turn to you when they need a story, completely packaged for them, or a quick but important comment?

Get out there! Someone else will--wouldn't you rather it be you?

You have the opportunity to be a Newsmaker.

There are very few experts in Georgia who have the ability to connect you with national media, local media, neighborhood media, and to create unique stories with you at the center, to have the connections to put you "out there" and make small names big names, and big names even bigger.

Grow your brand in big chunks or small increments in large or even specialty markets. Find yourself in spotlights that you didn't know even existed. Opportunities to speak, talk about your work, your cases, await you. In many different platforms. From national network shows to a local blogger who has more influence than you think.

Two-time Emmy Award winner Patrick Crosby has decades of unique experience ascertaining, packaging, and professionally delivering news, cases, features, talk and community involvement. His personal and business connections are among the best in the business.

The connections speak for themselves. You can choose different levels of service. By the project, by specific goals, hourly, retainer, and flexible pricing for company size and individuals. From writing and placing your stories, to total media makeovers and crisis management, you will control and expand the landscape.

You will be a Newsmaker.

Local, regional and national media know they can and do go to GeorgiaNewsmakers for story ideas, sources, spinoffs, reactions, features, and nearly everything related to the insatiable appetite for information, in print, broadcast and internet. There is two-way contact. Unlike a number of large PR firms with desks full of inexperienced associates who do not have nearly as much experience as they do overhead, you will get personalized services.  Competing PR firms often seek to "partner" with us.




"(NAME) is a Georgia Newsmakers Member and has had 7 news interviews in the last year.  We have another (CLIENT) that I think might benefit from Georgia Newsmakers.  Can you tell me how a membership works?  What is the process for establishing your members as experts in their fields?"

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